
Can I Recover Over My Old Roof?


It is possible to install a
new asphalt shingle over an existing layer, 
but there are a number of
advantages to tearing-off the old roof. 
The new shingles will
probably last a lot longer if the roof is stripped 
and they will lay flat and
be less likely to leak or blow off.

It is possible to install a
new asphalt shingle over an existing layer, 
but there are a number of
advantages to tearing-off the old roof. 
The new shingles will
probably last a lot longer if the roof is stripped 
and they will lay flat and
be less likely to leak or blow off. However the 
biggest advantage for
tearing off the old roof is the contractors ability to inspect the wood
underlayment for any deterioration or poor application. 
A 30 year roofing material
installed over rot or a poor substrate can easily become a non-warranted and
poor investment.