
Roofing Truck or Dumpster?

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 If you just had a new driveway poured, powerwashed, or recently coated, this might be a good question that you’ll want to ask your roofing contractor about before he installs your new roof. However, if your driveway is older or is in poor condition, this may be also be a good time to discuss the placement and type of unit that the roofing debris will be hauled away in.

 If you just had a new driveway poured, powerwashed, or recently coated, this might be a good question that you’ll want to ask your roofing contractor about before he installs your new roof. However, if your driveway is older or is in poor condition, this may be also be a good time to discuss the placement and type of unit that the roofing debris will be hauled away in.

Generally speaking, roofing dump trucks are lighter and less intrusive than the dropping off and removal of a dumpster. There are other benefits also, like the ability to move it quickly in case of an emergencey or the ability for the customer to use their driveway and garage at night. A dumpster (drop box) is just that, a very heavy truck with a large metal box on its back will place the box in one location and that’s where it will stay during the roofing process. Usually, due to scheduling, the drop box may arrive several days early and be picked up several days after the roofing job is completed. Because of scheduling issues, like rot and rain, it is difficult to schedule an exact start date, The advantage of the dump truck is that shows up only on the day when the job is actually going to start and leaves the same the roof is complete.

Both the dump truck and dumpster will do the job, which is to haul away the old roofing debris. But from a homeowners perspective, the roofing dump truck is more convienient and impacts the driveway surface less. From an installers point of view, the dump truck easily wins based on the ability to reposition it multiple times for easier and safer access to the roof. Generally, established roofing contractors will have their own vehilces to do the job correctly, while newer or less experienced roofing companies will sub that process out to another company (subcontractor).

In summary, talk to your roofing contractor regarding the best way to protect your driveway while not intefering with your daily routines. Professional roofing companies will generally have a review sheet to go over with the homeowner before the work begins and this will surly be one of the items to discuss.