Portland in the Fall

It’s that time of the year when the heavens open up over Portland and the rains begin to cascade down over our roofs. On a pitched roof the water runs quickly down and off the roof, however, on a flat roof it can take minutes to even a dry week and a forecast of sun before the rains completely disappear off the roof.
It’s that time of the year when the heavens open up over Portland and the rains begin to cascade down over our roofs. On a pitched roof the water runs quickly down and off the roof, however, on a flat roof it can take minutes to even a dry week and a forecast of sun before the rains completely disappear off the roof.
If you have a flat roof or a section of roofing that is flat or low pitched in Portland, then you are special. In this case, special means you need to be more aware that these low pitched roofing surfaces require more attention. Any roofing mistake is quickly found out and the repairs are difficult to perform in the winter months. So what does this all mean to you – make sure you hire a roofing contractor who is skilled in flat roofing installations.
We can talk about which material is best in Oregon for flat roofing installs, such as PVC or Torchdown, but what really matters is if your roofing installer is competent in his choice of roofing material. Oddly enough, it’s not the material that makes the biggest difference, it’s the roofing contractors skill level with that material.
So start by asking which roofing material the roofing contractor is familar with and how much experience he’s had installing it. Ask about the pros and cons of his roofing material choice – a quality installer will know why he has selected his product verus others. If you feel confident in your roofing contractor, then the material he recommends should also be a wise choice.
So let it rain, let it rain, let it rain. OK – that’s enough rain.