Setting A Roof Appointment – Part III

In our last blog we left you emailing or calling for a roofing appointment. Let’s discuss below some of the questions that you will want to bring up during your appointment. Oh, by the way, did the roofing estimator show up on time and was he or she prepared to evaluate your roof and your roofing needs?
In our last blog we left you emailing or calling for a roofing appointment. Let’s discuss below some of the questions that you will want to bring up during your appointment. Oh, by the way, did the roofing estimator show up on time and was he or she prepared to evaluate your roof and your roofing needs?
Everybody has their own style, whether it be to evaluate the roof and take measurements first or at the end of the appointment once they have spoken to the customer. Either way, there are a few things your estimator must do to determine how to bid your roof –
The first is an inspectiion of the attic space or spaces:
Insulation / Sofftting
Deck Type
Electrical / Wiring
Broken Supports / Rafters
You would think a roof inspection would start and focus on the outside of your home where your roof is located? However, it’s not much different than an auto mechanic wanting to lift the hood of your car to see whats going on inside besides how the car is driving on the road. The inside of an attic will tell a trained roofing estimator alot about how the roof system above may be performing. Let’s start with the list above:
Ducting – the roof inspector will want to know how many bathrooms have fans and how are they ducted to the outside. The most common practice is to vent them out through the roof. Unforunately, often times the ducting is either non-existant or poorly attached to an attic roof vent. Same goes for the kitchen vent, laundryroom and even a dryer vent. Without the proper ducting, attics can become moist, grow mold, and roof decks can become damaged or rotted. Improper ventilation also affects the effectiveness of your insulation.
OK – that the first one. We will start with insulaton / soffiting next time.