So Who Do Your Call When Your Roof is …….

When you look around Portland or Beaverton at all those roofs, residential and commercial, you may wonder who takes care of all those roofing systems when there’s a problem? It isn’t easy installing a new roof, it takes years of training and experience to do it right. But what happens when you make your roof installation decision based on price? Well, as the old sayings goes: You get what you pay for.
Cascade Roofing has been providing commercial roof repair in the Portland Metro Area for decades. Each commercial repair request starts with a roof top inspection. You could call it roofing CSI (Crime Scene Investigator), but the perpetrator is usually a combination of poor workmanship and owner neglect.
Fixing someone else’s mistakes can be time consuming and expensive. It also takes your best trained technician, usually a Foreman, to determine where and why a roof problem is occurring and the best method to repair it. The good news is, there is a company in town who has the skills and expertise to help you save a costly investment from going down the drain.
Oh, by the way, we also install quality, warrantied and professionally installed commercial roofs system if you would rather avoid working with our leak repair department in the future. Either way, we would love to help.