The Cost and Benefits of Roofing Employees!

If a roofing installer is injured on your property or a neighbor’s child accidently steps on a nail during construction, you want to make sure that your property is not held as payment. Most homeowners insurnace do not cover you if the work being done on your property is supposed to be by a licenced and insured contractor.
If a roofing installer is injured on your property or a neighbor’s child accidently steps on a nail during construction, you want to make sure that your property is not held as payment. Most homeowners insurnace do not cover you if the work being done on your property is supposed to be by a licenced and insured contractor.
Remember that great deal you got, the one too good to be true, but it sure saved you a bundle. This is the time you will find out if it was worth-it. If the roofing contractor uses subs, you will need to confirm that all four insurances listed below are carried for each and every roofing subcontractor involved in your roofing project:
Liability Insurance
Workmens Compensations Insurance
Performance Bond Insurance
Auto and Truck Insurance
There are many reasons why adequate insurance may not be carried by a roofing contractor; inability to qualifty for the insurance, background check, very high cost of roofing insurance. But the homeowner often buries their head in the sand because the price was the cheapest….. in the short run. If someone gets injured during your roofing project, you may be amazed what happens if the company you hired pays cash, cheats on insurance, and doesn’t follow the rules.