Roofing Installation: FYI

Just a quick bit of information as we head into Fall and the days and nights become cooler. If you had a roof installed this year or other major home improvements done (or even in the last several years), this is the perfect time to make sure that when the roofing was installed, it did not disturb the venting for your hot water heater, furnance, gas fireplace, or any other appliance that requires exhaust to be ducted away from the indoors and outside.
Just a quick bit of information as we head into Fall and the days and nights become cooler. If you had a roof installed this year or other major home improvements done (or even in the last several years), this is the perfect time to make sure that when the roofing was installed, it did not disturb the venting for your hot water heater, furnance, gas fireplace, or any other appliance that requires exhaust to be ducted away from the indoors and outside.
While your at it, also check your roof connections for bathrooms and kithens. But the ones that may really might affect someone you love are the gas, wood, or oil combustion ducts and flues. Make sure they are securley attached at the appliance and that they have not been distrurbed leaving gaps or joints not properly sealed or connected. You will need to inspect these flues all the way to the point where they vent outside. This may require you to go into the attic.
If this is something you can’t do yourself, hire someone to confirm that all the ducting is intact and functioning. If it is not, you may be risking your own life or someone you love.