What to do with Roofing and Mold?

If your getting a new roof, there are many things to think about. Mold is one of them. Why? Because the cause of mold in the attic is often related to poor ventilation of the roof and or improper ducting of interior fans.
If your getting a new roof, there are many things to think about. Mold is one of them. Why? Because the cause of mold in the attic is often related to poor ventilation of the roof and or improper ducting of interior fans.
Before the project begins, make sure your attic has been inspected by the professional roofing installer. If he or she finds evidence of mold, then a solution needs to be found before any roofing begins. The first step is to try and determine what is causing the problem, such as unconnected venting ducts that are spewing moisture into the attic space, or poor venting design without the correct layout and amount of vents required, or maybe insulation that is blocking the air flow from the soffits, or improper placement of insulaton against the roof deck?
We will discuss all of these things in the next blog post: An attic Inspection for venting, rot and mold problems. Remember, always hire a roofing contractor that is a professional.